Dermaplane is a safe, non-invasive treatment which uses a small blade at a forty-five degree angle to remove “peach fuzz”, as well as dead skin cells. Dermaplane is performed as a stand-alone treatment with a skin type specific masque, SPF moisturizer and more. This treatment does not require downtime and will effectively remove fine hair and give you the smoothest skin possible.
What are the benefits of having a dermaplane?
- Removes soft facial hair
- Removes surface dead or keratinized skin cells
- Provides deeper product penetration
- Enhances effects of Enzyme Peels and Masques by increasing the rate of absorption
- Increases the skin’s immune response
- Stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow
- Stimulates collagen production and elasticity
- Minimizes the appearance of pores
- Minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
- Minimizes the appearance of recent acne scars
- Improves uneven pigmentation such as sun spots and melasma
- Produces an immediate glow, smoothness and softness of the skin
- Creates an instant healthier and more radiant appearance of the skin
Is a dermaplane a safe procedure?
When performed by our certified medical aestheticians, dermaplaning is a safe procedure. With no downtime and effective results..
Will my hair grow back darker or thicker?
No, hair does not grow back darker or thicker from dermaplane treatments. There are two types of hair that grow on your body. Vellus hair, which when cut or removed will grow back the same size and shape, therefore, the main structure of vellus hair does not change and is not altered by dermaplaning. Terminal hair however, is physiologically coarse and affected by hormones. When this hair type is cut it will always grow back coarse. Once vellus hair is cut it will maintain a blunt edge, this blunt edge will not physiologically alter the hair itself.
How often is the procedure performed?
Dermplaning may be performed every three-four weeks. The skin needs to complete its normal monthly rejuvenation cycle before the treatment is done again.
What skin types/conditions can be treated?
Not all skin types may benefit from dermaplaning. Dermaplaning is not recommended if you have acne or an excessive production of sebaceous gland oil. If the hair is removed, the oils may cause bacteria growth that can stimulate acne breakouts.